7/20/2004 01:10:00 AM   [ link ]

and now, the other half.

I added one thing to the list below, for the sake of completeness. And now (in no particular order) the stories behind each injury.
a) my cat scratched me really badly
b) I burned myself on a cookie pan
c) someone put a sticker on me, and I think maybe I was allergic to the glue or something?
d) I got in a fight
e) don't drink and shoot off bottle rockets at the same time
f) some people fell on me while they were fighting
g) not sure -- maybe from rock climbing, maybe related to d. Is it bad that I don't actually know?
Yes, I'm crazy. But life is good. No, I'm serious. Life is really good right now.

7/16/2004 01:25:00 PM   [ link ]

a boring list.

1) a two week old burn on my right palm, still all weird and scarred-looking
2) a really dark purple bruise on my right knee
3) two big bruises on the inside of my right elbow
4) three small bruises and one GINORMOUS bruise on my left arm (None of my shirts cover this one, and I'm really sick of having to explain it. Stop asking me about it, people!)
5) a cut on my left palm
6) two parallel burn marks just above my right elbow
7) a perfect rectangle of red and slightly inflamed skin on the back of my left shoulder

Seriously, somebody needs to lock me in my room and take away any sharp objects. And blunt ones. And also anything that is smoldering or very hot.